Flavor Spice natural Rich and Bold raw honey with intense and complex flavor profile.
It have notes of the pollen, nectar, and bee salvia in raw and unfiltered form compared to lighter golden honey.
Most customers assume that there is little to no difference between light and dark honey.
Light vs. dark raw honey:
Light golden honey is often mildly sweet, while dark honey is rather rich in sweet sugar. Bakeries and restaurants also commonly use dark honey because this syrup’s intense flavor is more present in recipes than light honey.
* If you were to look inside a beehive, you’d notice that all the honey inside this hive is relatively dark. This is because the syrup is raw. Raw honey contains pollen, bee saliva, nectar, sometimes even dirt collected by honeybees, creating a darker composition.
* manufacturers pasteurize and filter light honey, causing it to contains fewer natural antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other natural nutrition, which also makes it lighter in color and weight.
Unlike the Dark raw honey, the pollen, nectar, and bee salvia in unfiltered which is the most nutritional aspects of honey. Pollen alone packs a punch of antioxidants and vitamins that add intense restoration to the body.
Raw Dark Honey | Buckwheat
Flavor Spice